The Higher Human

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UFO Tech is Coming, and It’s Going to Change EVERYTHING

Pictured: round UFO in sky

Photo by Gianluca Carenza on Unsplash

What do UFO's and Congress have to do with you? Well, a lot. Here's a dive into the current battle between congress and the Pentagon, among other groups that is currently taking shape. Follow along to learn all about UFO's, what's happening in Congress, and this wild ride we're all on together.

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His name is David Grusch. His name may not be familiar to you, but the information he is trying to bring forward should be very important to us all. In July 2023, congress held a public hearing in which it heard his testimony as a former high security intelligence officer in charge of investigating UFO (unidentified flying object), more modernly termed UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena). He was co-lead of the UAP object analysis at the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, and also a lead investigator to the Pentagon’s UAP task force and reported to the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). 

He claims that through his investigation, and by quiet confession of people in high security around him, many he had known for years, Grusch became aware of programs having to do with this topic. According to him, all witnesses with direct knowledge said virtually the same things: 1) that they were briefed on, aware of, or part of a program having to do with UFO/UAP activity, 2) that there has been a UFO crash retrieval and reverse engineering program(s) since at least the end of World War II, and 3) that these programs have, on several occasions, recovered “non-human biologics” or “non-human dead pilots”. Many of these witnesses were very deeply concerned about the goings on, and desperately want this information to come out, especially considering the fact they allege these programs run without any congressional or other official oversight. 

He attempted to gain access to documents or other information about these programs (which he supposedly had clearance for), but was denied access. He ultimately left his job to file an official whistleblower complaint with the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG). His complaints were considered “urgent and credible” by the ICIG, who interviewed dozens of witnesses, and approved Grusch to speak on several topics. This ultimately resulted in Grusch’s first congressional appearance. 

I realize this sounds completely sci-fi, or like some tinfoil hat BS, but it’s absolutely not a joke. If these allegations turn out to be false, Mr. Grusch faces prison. He risks tarnishing a decorated military and government career and his reputation, as do the high caliber government and military officials, journalists, congresspeople and others who are supporting him. In addition, the amount of knowledge and number of witnesses with even more direct knowledge he could help bring forward are all indicators there’s something real happening. Mr. Grusch indicated many witnesses are afraid to come forward. He himself has encountered troubling retaliation during his investigation leading to this point that caused him to fear for his life, and he claims to know several others who have been harmed to keep this secret. As discussed below, the level of pushback from the intelligence community against this investigation moving forward seems to insert an additional red flag that there must be something going on here.  

Why Does This Matter?

A dire need for government transparency. I want to note that this blog is not intended to be political in nature - this issue doesn’t have a political party. However, it does involve the government, individual rights and rights of transparency, as well as our freedom to evolve, so it's important to raise these concerns in general. The topic actually continues to grow in bipartisan support in both the Senate and the House.

Grusch testified he believes, based on evidence he has collected, that these programs cooperate with corporate defense contractors, as well as a small number of people in government and military, and has previously stated included various enterprises. If these allegations are true, all of this is completely illegal without congressional oversight. If not the ranking members of the legislative branch, nor department heads, the President or virtually anyone outside these programs are aware of what we are spending our money on, it is a major problem. This would mean we also have no idea who the f*ck is in charge of this powerful technology, what they’ve been doing with it, our money, or any information they’ve uncovered, etc. This scenario, seeming more evident by the day, shines quite a light on where our government and leadership are at. 

Hidden technology, our planet and our future. If you are unaware, UFOs or UAP typically demonstrate several distinct characteristics, including the ability to hover, have anti-gravitational capability (aka positive lift) and can accelerate/decelerate instantaneously, changing direction at an impossibly fast rate. They have been observed moving freely in air, water and space by our government. Even more strange, they seem to fade in and out of visibility, and without tracking signatures such as heat, sound, or vapor trail. All of this without wings, rudders, conventional aerodynamic shape, or any signs of propulsion. 

The types of technologies we are talking about, whatever we would call them, likely don’t require combustible fuel, and can clearly put out massive amounts of energy, likely for an extremely long period. I can’t reiterate enough that this will be life changing technology for nearly every sector of our society. We would theoretically revolutionize flight and travel, have cars that don’t need to charge (or do away with traditional cars and roads altogether). We could greatly expand 3D printing, and use it for many products, including homes, at very low cost. We would have clean and limitless power for all. There are a ton of other massive advancements to medicine, communication and other sectors that could result by opening things up to public study in the scientific community. It would be the change we so desperately need, considering our current environmental and socioeconomic situation. Tons of new jobs, new economy, way more resources, far less suffering, healthier environment, etc. This would be entirely transformative for each of our lives. 

But obviously, none of these things would serve the military industrial complex, energy lobby, or whoever else benefits from the way things are now…and it shows. There has already been considerable resistance to disclosure on this topic. Indeed, the House Oversight National Security Subcommittee was denied private access to Mr. Grusch in a SCIF (sensitive compartmented information facility) to expand upon his testimony. This was the result of action by the intelligence community. Additionally, the UAP disclosure act that was sponsored on a bipartisan basis by Sen. Chuck Schumer and Sen. Mike Rounds has been stripped of key provisions that would have promoted public transparency, and instead now includes a very broad list of exemptions for disclosure of information on UAP. See Schumer and Rounds’ full response to the result here

If there is nothing to this, why does the intelligence community want to block access to information, even from ranking members of congress who have the clearance to be briefed on it? Likewise, why are some members of Congress refusing to cooperate on this bill that has strong bipartisan support, and seemingly only targeting the provisions having to do with UAP investigation and oversight? It seems the obvious answers center around power and control over technology and information, while humans continue to pump oil and natural gas out of the earth, polluting air, soil, water, ourselves and our children with all sorts of chemicals unnecessarily. 

Last, but not least: Non-human intelligence from…elsewhere. The obvious elephant in the room is the etymology of UFOs or UAP. Our government purports they aren’t ours, nor belonging to a foreign nation. We can also acknowledge that many people have seen UFO’s and claimed to meet others throughout our history (indigenous populations come to mind). So, they must be from….?? This may turn out to be one of the biggest stones we ever turn over, not only as a nation, but as humans. The clear focus and mention of non-human pilots, technology, and process of elimination certainly insinuates something rather shocking, or other-worldly. 

Grusch has alluded that he was told by those with direct knowledge of beings from other star systems, but also potentially from other dimensions or planes of existence, which may coincide with some of the technology features. Theoretical physics recognizes this framework, though it is sometimes difficult to study things we can’t really observe. No matter what the truth turns out to be, there will likely be some level of ontological shock. It’s also not just Grusch. Many government witnesses who have come forward over the years unofficially, whether or not their identity was kept confidential have all reported very similar programs, circumstances and realities. 

If this is really happening, the word of caution I would insert is to not allow your government, or anyone (including you) to get you totally afraid of what is out there. Surely, not all of whatever, or whoever is out there are positive or kind based on simple probability, much like with the human race. But, based on that same probability, certainly not all are negative either. We will be okay. 

Just remember, we have been evolving, discovering things, governing ourselves and living life without general awareness that other life forms might be around, or fear because we have been “invaded” for all this time! Nobody has been more violent, oppressive or a danger to us than…us. It’s sad, but you know it’s true. There’s no reason to stop living life if our awareness of others out there soon becomes more mainstream. Though, it would radically shift our perspective, and there would be some growing pains with that, which is okay. 

I do genuinely get the feeling something like this is heading our way, and we probably will have to go through some weirdness in adjusting, and figuring out how to handle such drastic and life changing changes, revelations, interactions, etc. But on balance, I think we’re going to find that our lives will be much more interesting. We will have such higher awareness, live more universally purposeful lives, be much more beneficially advanced, and probably be happier and more peaceful as a species because of it.

We will figure this out if we let curiosity and intellect navigate us, rather than fear. 

What do we do with this information?

First, as discussed above, not letting negative thoughts run wild, and not allowing yourself to be manipulated by entirely negative or fear mongering techniques. It seems that there may be a concerted effort to keep as much of this information and technology away from the public for as long as possible, perhaps even through lies and misinformation. When considering public representatives, it’s important to push for ones that want to make these investigations an actual priority. They very much center on our rights, dignity, and quite possibly our future trajectory. It's really not separate in principle from any other right or freedom we’re after. 

Of course, it’s certainly important to be patient with whatever this process turns out to be, take the time and space to ponder all these possibilities, and make peace with the new and developing “normal”. It may be a lot to take in as more information will continue to come out, but try to approach it with an open mind, and we will all be on whatever kind of wild ride this is together! 

For a much more in depth talk on this topic, check out my youtube video here. Follow me for more!

David Grusch (et al.) testimony before Congress July 2023
Ross Coulthart David Grusch Special