The Higher Human

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Psychedelics: A Healing Alternative?

Photo by Ajithkumar M on Unsplash

More and more research continues to support psilocybin (and other psychedelic medicines) to treat depression, among many other issues that deeply affect so many of us on a daily basis. California Governor Gavin Newsom is expected to sign a recently passed bill to decriminalize possession of psychedelics, and several other states are on their way to similar changes in law. Many who suffer from depression, addiction, unresolved trauma, fear of death, a general loss of direction, etc. have had positive and life altering effects from the use of these medicines. For those who are open and curious, or just not getting what they need elsewhere, I believe it to be an alternative worth researching and taking into consideration! 

Research continues to show that there are many benefits to psilocybin treatment, all with virtually zero negative side effects. Many test subjects report improvement in even drug resistant depression after a single dose lasting around 1 year! Improvement seems to be consistent whether or not subjects continue depression medication afterwards. In fact, there seems to be no apparent evidence that patients benefit from continuing antidepressants once they begin psilocybin treatment. Certainly, those on depression meds who are content, and not experiencing negative side effects shouldn't throw that out the window. However, so many others either don’t have luck finding meds that work for them, suffer from side effects that make the meds unappealing to take, or would prefer to try something different or more natural. People in those situations may find that psilocybin is a perfect alternative for them. 

What do Mushrooms Have to Do with My Depression?

Quite plainly, psychedelics shake things up in your brain! The disruption is enough to stir up some of the rigid neural patterns that have developed there. They target an area of the brain called the claustrum, which is involved in creating your conscious experience. It acts as the communication conductor for the brain, deciding which parts talk to which. When psychedelics are introduced, it decreases 15-30% activity in the claustrum, which allows brain regions to grow their networks, and increase communication with areas where it was previously lacking. In addition, a single dose of psilocybin strengthens connections between the prefrontal cortex and areas related to positive emotions, and decreases connections between the prefrontal cortex and areas of the brain related to anxiety and other negative emotions. Fascinating! Brain scans show that by disrupting the patterns often seen in brains of people with depression, psychedelics smash rigid brain patterns having to do with rumination and self - consciousness. 

Beyond Depression

As it turns out, magic mushrooms seem to be magic for many reasons, in addition to the one that most people are referring to. Throughout the ages, many cultures discovered many spiritual and healing uses for psychedelic plants and fungi. Modernly, alternative healing centers that offer psychedelic therapies, or traditional shamanistic journeys are now flooded with people looking for big change. Veterans or others who suffer from some form of PTSD, those who have had difficult childhoods, addictions, breaks with faith or lack of spiritual direction, etc. are looking for help in these spaces in growing numbers. Collectively, participants report that they view things that have challenged them differently, in a way that they are far less affected by them. Release, forgiveness, perspective and healing from traumas is very common, allowing many to move forward and not continue getting stuck in the same negative cycles. Even just the basics, like a better attitude, outlook on life, and remembering to cherish and prioritize people and things you love seem to be a common theme. 

What About Downsides?

Psilocybin and other psychedelics are considered by many experts to be safer even than marijuana. There is virtually no chance of lethal overdose, and little likelihood of addiction. The effect is actually enhanced by taking breaks, so you’re not taking them every single day (when microdosing), or taking larger doses too often, so as to not build a tolerance. They are probably among the best and easiest drugs to develop a healthy and beneficial relationship with. 

However, there are probably some people who should really consult professionals before considering using psychedelics, and at least use a psychedelic therapy setting, or have a sober observer with them. Particularly, those who either have a family history of serious psychiatric disorders (bipolar, schizophrenia, psychosis), and those who have a personal history with serious mental illness. While the risk of those without that history having a psychotic episode due to psychedelic use is extremely low, there seems to be a slightly elevated risk for those who do have some personal or family history of serious mental illness. In addition, those who have been treated with depression medications, such as MAOIs, should ideally be weaned off of those meds before doing psychedelics due to the potential for interaction. The risks seem to be less clear for those taking SSRIs, but of course, it’s always better to proceed with caution. 

Closing Thoughts

There is so much hope in the work being done to help people return to a dramatically improved life through psychedelics. Experientially, they work in a way that is often difficult to describe, and can be both universal and subjective. Helping those who could benefit from getting past the stigma is crucial to these therapies becoming more widespread. The things our parents told us about these drugs were actually pretty unfounded, as it turns out. It doesn’t have to be for everyone, but it might really help many, and keep them off of sometimes ineffective and harmful pharmaceuticals. So, if you’re interested, do your research, talk to willing medical professionals and others who have experience and make clear headed decisions about how to go about it in a way that feels right for you. If you’d like to hear about this topic in more detail, please follow my youtube or book a mini deep dive session with me to learn more!